Brian Weems has an exceptionally versatile voice and can create just about any inflection, accent, tonal quality or sound. Brian has over 21 years of broadcast experience. Brian loves trains and chasing tornadoes. He was born in Memphis, Tennessee and was raised in Huntsville, Alabama. That doesn’t mean he has a southern accent but, if you want one, he has all kinds of dialects. His voice has aired nationally on radio and on Turner South and in the Southeast on regional radio and television stations and local cable systems. From hardsell reads to radio and televison voice imaging, narration and voicemail systems, Brian has a well established track record of satisfying hard to please clients. Brian is non union. Rates for radio and television commercials and voice imaging vary with market size and intended use. For rate information on these services, contact Brian. Please include your market and specify to what extent the audio will be used (locally, regionally, nationally, internationally or on the internet). Secure audio downloads are available through this website. Audio is also delivered in mp3 format via e-mail or a CD can be shipped to you.To hear a demo of Brian Weems, click on the demo link.


See the Huntsville Times article on Brian! PDF Format, click here to read...



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